| 2nd Floor , SCO 121-122-123, Near Picadely Mall, Sector 34-A, Chandigarh - 160022 | |
| Services: Event Organiser, Wedding Planner , Birthday Party Organiser, Corporate Events, Promotions,Roadshows, Fashion Shows, Artist Management etc. Event Management Companies in Chandi... |
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| 429, Sector-15A, Chandigarh - 160015 | |
| Services: One-Stop Event House for all production solutions for your brand. Handling events with creative acoustics and production involvements are our field of expertise.... |
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| 2242, Manimajra, Chandigarh - 160002 | |
| Services: Event Management Companies in Chandigarh.... |
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Email | | Website | | Phone | | Photos |
| Sector 22 B, Meeting Point, Chandigarh - 160022 | |
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| Sector 8, Sector-20, Chandigarh - 160020 | |
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| B - 6319, Sector 56, Chandigarh - 140603 | |
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Email | | Website | | Phone | | Photos |
| No. 22, Sector 27 A, Chandigarh - 160019 | |
| Services: We are deals with managing corporate, leisure, personal and social events which include corporate meet-ups, summits, conferences, retreats, stage shows, company representation... |
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| 722, Near I T Park, Kishangarh, Chandigarh - 160101 | |
| Services: Event Management Companies in Chandigarh.... |
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| SCO 34, 2nd Floor, Sector 33 D, Chandigarh - 160033 | |
| Services: Entertainment/Event/Party/Organisor , Event Organisor... |
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Email | | Website | | Phone | | Photos |
| SCO 34, 2nd Floor, Near Terrace Garden, Sec-33d, Chandigarh - 160022 | |
| Services: Event Management Companies in Chandigarh.... |
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Email | | Website | | Phone | | Photos |
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