| PID 53-29-18, Ground Floor, 5th Cross, Near Srinagar Bus Stand, Srinagar, Bangalore - 560050 | |
| Services: Cancer Medicines,
Hiv Medicines,
Hepatitis Medicines,
Transplant Medicines,
Imported Medicines,
Rare Medicines,
Arthritis Medicines... |
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| No. 7, Vignana Nagar, Bangalore - 560037 | |
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| 205, Rangaswamy Temple, BVK Iyengar Road, Chickpet, Bangalore - 560053 | |
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| Opposite Catelic Club, 103 and 104 Brigade Road, Ashok Nagar, Bangalore - 560025 | |
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| 61/A, Varsha Associates, 5th Cross, 3rd Mn, Chamarajpet, Bangalore - 560018 | |
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| 125 G-1st Floor, Sir Balaji Complex, Sultanpet, Bangalore - 560053 | |
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| No. 25, 8th Main Road, Vasanth Nagar, Bangalore - 560052 | |
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| 13 and 14, 1st Cross, Kaggadaspura Main Road,, Vignana Nagar, Bangalore - 560075 | |
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| Main Road, Kammanahalli, Bangalore - 560043 | |
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| 53/1, Sajjan Rao Circle, VV Puram, Bangalore - 560004 | |
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