| 458, 6th Main Road, Stage I, Kenga Kengeri Satellite Town, Satellite Town,, Bangalore - 560060 | |
| Services: Urology, Andrology, Nephrology, Kidney diseases... |
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| No 78, 11th Cross, Near Indiranagar Metrostation, Entrance Off CMH Road, Indiranagar, Bangalore - 560038 | |
| Services: Salt Therapy, Asthma treatment.... |
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| No.33/93, Ground Floor, Amarnivas, 5th Main, 5th Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore - 560011 | |
| Services: Respicare, a proficient and reliable allergy care centre, based in Bengaluru provides drugless and safe treatment for all kinds of respiratory allergies like, Asthma, Sinusiti... |
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| 2, 1st Cross, 7th Main, Mathikere, Bangalore - 560054 | |
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| 6/2-2, Shivananda Circle, Kumara Park East, Sheshadripuram, Bangalore - 560001 | |
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| 86/1, HMT Main Road, Mathikere, Bangalore - 560054 | |
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| 23, 12th Cross, Palace Guttahalli Main Road, Malleshwaram, Bangalore - 560003 | |
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| Door No. 146, 3rd Floor, 5th Block, Koramangala, Bangalore - 560095 | |
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| 38, 22nd Main, Banashankari 2nd Stage, Bangalore - 560070 | |
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| #615,1st Floor, Immadihalli Main Road, White Field, Bangalore - 560066 | |
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