| Kaipily Road, Arimpur.P.O, Thrissur - 680620 | |
| Services: Services: General Massage therapy for rejuvenation,Therapy for stress, mental tension, insomnia, headaches etc,Therapy for revitalising the skin,Therapy for sinusitis, migrain... |
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| Nambikkadavu, Thalikulam, Thrissur - 680569 | |
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| Nattika Beach P.O, Nattika, Thrissur - 680566 | |
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| Nattika Beach P.O, Nattika, Thrissur - 680566 | |
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| Palace Road, Cheruthuruthy, Thrissur - 679531 | |
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| Palace Road, Cheruthuruthy, Thrissur - 679531 | |
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| Palace Road, Cheruthuruthy, Thrissur - 679531 | |
| Services: Heritage Ayurvedic Resorts in Thrissur is a great place to experience the traditional healing practices of Ayurveda. River Retreat, a premium resort in Thrissur, offers variou... |
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| V. P Island, Kottapuram P.O, Kodungalloor, Thrissur - 680667 | |
| Services: Welcome to Vedic Village, an eco-friendly resort set in the lap of heritage. Situated in Kondungalloor (earlier known as Cranganore), a historic hamlet, which finds mention in... |
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| Near Pazhampuzha, Vishnu Temple, Chittilappilli, Thrissur - 680351 | |
| Services: Located in Thrissur District “the cultural capital of Kerala”, Vishnu Gardens and Resorts is in the forefront of catering to the genuine holiday aspirations of the vacationer,... |
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