| Street No.3, Shaheed Udham Singh Nagar, Amritsar - 143001 | |
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| 77, National Shopping Complex, GT Road, Amritsar - 143001 | |
| Services: Ayurvedic Medicine, Ayurvedic Treatment, Kidney ayurvedic treatment, kidney stone ayurvedic treatment, cancer ayurvedic treatment, HIV ayurvedic treatment... |
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| 77, National Shopping Complex, G. T Road, Amritsar - 143001 | |
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| 77, National Shopping Complex, Grand Trunk Road, Amritsar - 143001 | |
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| 183, Sardar Avenue, Tung Bala Gate, Majitha Road, Amritsar - 143001 | |
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| 26, Beauty Avenue, Near Punjab and Sind Bank, Circular Road, Amritsar - 143001 | |
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| 14-C, Rani Ka Bagh, Bhandari Estate, Amritsar - 143001 | |
| Services: A specialized centre for the treatment of Infertitiy (Male & Female), Hepatitis, Renal Failure, Arthritis, Obesity, Diabetes, Psoriasis, Eczema, Migraine, Insomnia etc.... |
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| 98, Near Airport Flyover, Holy City, Amritsar - 143001 | |
| Services: We deal with health industry. We provide online and offline consultation regarding Ayurveda, Yoga and Panchkarma. We also deal with exporting herbal and Ayurvedic medicines .... |
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| 98, Holy City Airport Road, Amritsar - 143001 | |
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| 58, Near Beas Road Bus Stop, GT Road, Amritsar - 143201 | |
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