| SCO 407 - 410, 4th Floor, AGI Business Centre, Jalandhar - 144001 | |
| Services: Educational Institutes in Jalandhar.... |
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| 172, Green Park, Bedi Paradise Building, Opposite Hotel Residency, Near Bus Stand, Garha Road, Jalandhar - 144001 | |
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| Near Railway Crossing, Cantt. Road, Jalandhar - 144001 | |
| Services: Lyallpur Khalsa College, Jalandhar was established in 1960. It provides various diploma, undergraduate and post graduate courses. College has computers, commerce, arts and hom... |
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| 8-B, Green Park, Jalandhar - 144001 | |
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| 545, Model Town, Opposite Nikku Park, Jalandhar - 144003 | |
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| Basti Mithu, Kpt Road, Jalandhar - 144001 | |
| Services: Institute running MBA,MCA,BBA,BCA,MSC(BI), BSC & MSC(Airlines, Tourism & Hospitality Management)... |
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| Prestige Chambers, Opposite Narinder Cinema, GT Road, Jalandhar - 144001 | |
| Services: Educational Institutes in Jalandhar... |
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| Garha Road, Jalandhar - 144002 | |
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