| No 134, Lake View Road, K K Nagar, Madurai - 625020 | |
| Services: Doctors Psychiatry, Nuerology... |
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| 567, K.K.Nagar, Madurai - 625020 | |
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| 73, South Veli Street, Madurai - 625001 | |
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| 75/1, Alagar Kovil Main Road, Surveyor Colony, Madurai - 625007 | |
| Services: Devadoss Hospital is one of the best private hospitals in Madurai well equipped with modern sophisticated care in the following specialties like Emergency and Critical Care, B... |
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| 75/1, Alagar Koil Main Road, Madurai - 625007 | |
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| No 15, Aathi Kulam Main Road, Madurai Reserve Lines, Madurai - 625014 | |
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| 2/1114, Ayya Bungalow, Mullai Street, Madurai - 625014 | |
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Email | | Website | | Phone | | Photos |
| 482, K K Nagar, Madurai - 625020 | |
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| 38/133, Anna Nagar, Madurai - 625020 | |
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Email | | Website | | Phone | | Photos |
| Anna Nagar, Madurai - 625020 | |
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