Cities & Towns
NSS HSS - Vaipur , Pathanamthitta, Kerala
Location |
:Vaipur, Pathanamthitta, Kerala - 689588 |
Phone |
: 0469 - 2687746 |
Fax |
: N/A |
Mobile |
: N/A |
Land Mark |
| N/A |
Payment/ Cards Accepted |
| N/A |
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Super business man | What a gorgeous atmosphere most beautiful school around the world children love going there hm beautiful teachers beautiful students beautiful school beautiful you will say beauty beauty beauty I will rate 10 outof 5 all children 100%pass Mark's
All children engineers ,doctors ,scientists, lawyers ,army from childhood no admission to Chinese children and bengalees plss don't Google it come vaipur fast join the school and enjoy beauty | Posted by Akjathan manimaaala, Kochi on Monday, April 6, 2020 10:34:10 PM | |
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