Cities & Towns
Paio Shoes , Mumbai, Maharashtra
Location |
:137, Kalyandas Udyog Bhavan, Kalyandas Udyog Bhavan, Century Bazaar Lane, Worli, Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400025 |
Phone |
: N/A |
Fax |
: N/A |
Mobile |
: 9833350230 |
Land Mark |
| N/A |
Payment/ Cards Accepted |
| Cash, Cheque, Credit Card, Debit Card, Paypal, Net Banking |
Timings |
Working Days/ Holidays | | Monday: 9 AM To 5 PM | Tuesday: 9 AM To 5 PM | Wednesday: 9 AM To 5 PM | Thursday: 9 AM To 5 PM | Friday: 9 AM To 5 PM | | Holidays: Sunday, Saturday |
Contact Now
Details/Facilities |
PAIO stands for a ‘pair’ in Italian. The company was founded with one simple thought – crafted creativity - and has ever since had one objective: to offer its customers handcrafted ‘one of a kind’ shoes unique to their spirit while leading the way to becoming a conscious leather-free vegan brand.
With generations of expertise in the art of design, ALL our PAIO shoes are handcrafted - right from design development; material selection to patternmaking and shoe lasting and finishing.
Our shoes are an expression of who you are - delightful and unconventional!