Animated Business Concepts (ABC) is series of concepts which are short, easy to learn and apply from anywhere, and at anytime. With more than two years of intensive research and development under the able guidance of Dr. Ma’en Al Qatamin, a dedicated team of highly skilled resources has taken up the challenge to help learners overcome their general fear and mysticism surrounding such quantitative subjects as Accounts, Finance, Statistics, Economics, and more. This is an initiative by Knowledge Horizon to simplify learning for the users and to support the teaching fraternity by developing innovative instructional and presentation methodology to simplify subjects with the help of animation and interactivity. The idea is to make the concepts available as simply simple, easily accessible and enjoyable, and which can be used as quick reference learning material through which the learner can fill his/her knowledge gap easily and apply the knowledge effectively. The ABC product has been tested in many countries and the results point to a high acceptability and appreciation of many students and teachers. |