We are providing the best online consultation with classical homoeopathy. We have experience of treating chronic diseases for more than 15 years.
We have following specialty.
• Online consultation.
• Hair Transmission method.
• No particular dietary restriction for homoeo. medicine, only according to yr disease.
• Teleconferencing consultation with most expert homoeopaths of country.
• Single medicine prescription.
Please visit our web site www.homoeopathic-cure.com before consultation.
We have special treatment for Hyperthyroidism, Hypothyroidism, Sciatica, Spondylitis, Acne, Hair Fall, Alopecia, Warts, Leucoderma, Alleery, Gall bladder Stone, Kidney Stone, Kidney failure and Atrophy, Asthma, Tonsillitis, Worm infestation, Bed Wetting, Migraine, Recurrent styes, Gastritis , Piles.
Dr.Ravi Singh, Dr.Pragati Singh