| 76/9, Kishangarh Village, Vasant Kunj, Delhi - 110070 | |
| Services: Hyderabadi Biryani Delivery, Awadhi Biryani Delivery, Calcutta Biryani Delivery, Chicken Biryani Delivery, Kebab Delivery, Food Delivery.... |
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| 496, Mushi Ram Market, Najafgarh Road, Opposite ICICI Bank, Nangloi, Delhi - 110041 | |
| Services: Catchy Court is an online marketplace where a customer can directly buy any specific product what they want specially products related to food sector, In food products they ge... |
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| | Services: Online restaurant, cloud kitchen, fast food.
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| L-19, Abul Fazal Enclave, Part-1, Jamia Nagar, Okhla, Delhi - 110025 | |
| Services: Order food using simple steps, mention your location, choose your favorite food and select your shakes & dessert. Dial us to 9643160085 and place your order.... |
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| 301, 3rd Floor, Best Sky Tower, Netaji Subhash Palace, Pitampura, Delhi - 110034 | |
| Services: Foodrool home delivery company.... |
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| Tilak Nagar, Delhi - 110018 | |
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| 210, Jaina Tower-2, District Center, Janakpuri West, Delhi - 110058 | |
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| B2/11, 1st Floor, Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estate, Delhi - 10044 | |
| Services: Zoop is an online food aggregator helping railway passengers order food in their journey from best restaurants across 150+ stations PAN India for delivery right at their seat.... |
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